He can't roll.
He's an oval.
What the fuck.
He can't roll.
He's an oval.
What the fuck.
I guess you've never played football before, being a queer and all.
Is Good
This is actually pretty good, you don't usually see more serious pieces like this on Newgrounds.
The writing and voice acting were well done, but some of the art was a bit bland. For instance, the mouths really only moved up and down. Lip syncing doesn't always have to be exact down to the last syllable, but it helps to have at least a few different frames. Also, vary the line thickness or at least make them a bit thicker. The thin lines detract a lot from the art.
The animation on the other hand was really good. It was smoother in some parts more than others, but overall this was a good cartoon.
I think I will have to go back and watch the previous entries.
Thanks. Yeah, I think I'm going to mess around with more frames on the lip syncing for the rest of the episode. I experimented a bit more with it in this installment than I have. And there's still like another 18 minutes of this episode that need to be animated. So I'll mess around with that in the following parts of it.
I did thicker lines in the first one, I may go back to it, but probably not this episode as I'd prefer to have the same style in the same episode.
Again, thanks for taking the time to watch and comment.
I really have a hard time believing you put any effort into this at all, even if it was short notice.
It was just all motion tweens. Even the lip sync was like what, three different frames?
I don't understand peoples' fucking obsession with taking old cartoon characters, fucking them up, and then just saying "HERE YA GO!" That isn't comedy, that's using someone else's work as your own. This whole fucking series is the polar opposite of Bambee or Saturday Morning which were actual parodies of the original works
You know, a parody. Where you make fun of another person's work by pointing out flaws and making witty interjections. Not, for example, taking a character and putting him in an obscene situation and expecting that to be funny on its own.
Also, I noticed you're insulting people who give negative reviews again.
Pro tip.
If you don't want your work criticized, don't fucking show it to people.
Pro tips are normally given from pros aren't they? Shouldn't you call it something like, "Prick Tip"
I'm just sayin....
Look I don't even really care about whether or not music was good, this was a fucking powerpoint.
Though I can't really blame you.
It's not like the Audio Portal gets that much push from the front page.
yeah, point taken. not quite a powerpoint, but not far off.
spot on about the audio portal thing.
i truly believe this song could be made super-awesome if the right animator got hold of it and went nuts.
It was ok.
Needs more Yog-Sothhoth.
Give it time, I'll have more gods if I make a series out of this.
The animation was decent, but the writing was just really subpar.
Sadly, with 4chan slowly engulfing the minds of today's youth, this will probably get tons of kudos and awards because it's incredibly random and about cats. That's really a shame because there is a lot of potential here that is, frankly, being wasted.
I really tried to like this, but it's just impossible. It just has an overriding feeling of been here done that. Looking back at some of your older work, it seems pretty obvious that the quality of your flash hasn't improved much, in fact I'd say it's plateaued. If you're fine with the level of quality your working on right now, stay with it. If you want to improve however, I'd suggest you start to reestablish yourself with the reason you animate in the first place.
I'm sorry you didn't like it very much, i hope you found something in it that you enjoyed even if you did feel you had seen it before. and personally i like to use flash to try and entertain people in some form, which is always a bit hit and miss.
I could go into how generic this is.
How played out the entire concept is.
Or even how it's basically THE stereotypical Newgrounds flash.
I could even talk about how it's shit like this that keeps Newgrounds from becoming more than what it currently is and has been for a few years now.
But I'm not going to.
Instead I'm going to ask, why the fuck is there a writer signed on to this?
Was that writing? Is this a story? Was that dialogue?
Hur, now that's not even funny.
Writing is a fucking art form, it's not just some tool for other mediums to abuse.
I don't care if you want to keep making flashes like this, go the fuck ahead. Have fun being mediocre and chained down by someone else's ideals of entertainment and quality.
But don't degrade a respectable craft by calling this "Writing."
Well why don't you submit something to Newgrounds since you know so damn much.
Written by Jon Etheridge. :)
I fucking love your style, it's a god damn shame you don't have more movie like this.
This is a perfect example of a good chuckle worthy animation. It's quick, to the point, and most importantly aware of the subject matter.
I really have little to criticize, a first.
I do want to point out the music though, because it was fucking spot on. Never have I laughed at a flash's credits until now. The timing on it was just great.
Also, more flashes need fictional actors.
I'm glad you liked it so much. seriously. You'll see what i have in mind for these actors...
I'm like the most baller ass shit ever. It's like, if you were me and I was you, I would want to not be you because I'm just so fucking awesome. Think about it.
Age 33, Male
Jack Ass
Joined on 3/7/09